Our mountain pasture - Zittraueralm

Part of our farm is a mountain pasture on the Stubnerkogel in Bad Gastein. Approx. in the middle of June the cattle are brought up to the pasture. The pasture lies at 1872m and is about 15 min. away from the the Stubnerkogel mountain railway station. The pasture is easily accessible for families with children and buggies. The simple and ethnic style of the pasture is a popular hiking destination in this area.


At fair weather people love to sit outside to enjoy the impressive view. The pasture inside is very comfortable for getting together, with a beautiful wooden oven which warms you up if the weather outside is not too friendly.

The cattle which are on the pasture during summer are milked by Hias every day. The milk subsequently will be brought down for further processing to the valley. As there is no access to electrical network on the pasture we have a generator for the milking machine and emergency supply.  A real luxury is the shower with warm water in the cow´s stable!

At the end of August the cows are brought down back to the Zittrauerhof and by middle of September all the calves and horses will have followed. The whole way down which is 15 km is taken afoot. As soon as all the animals and their herder are down safely the party starts. It is custom in the Gasteiner Valley that the lead herder brings a bottle of gentian schnaps with him on the way down. Everybody who is passing the herd and herders will have the pleasure of tasting this schnaps.

Video Zittraueralm